-22% 100 ochkov vperjod: Testy po russkomu jazyku kak inostrannomu: povsednevnoe obschenie/A1-A2

Author(s) Korchagina E., Solovets E.A., Kozlovtseva N.A.

Language Russian

Publisher Russki yazyk. Kursy

Publication year 2018

Format Hardcover

Pages 168

ISBN 978-5-88337-643-5

One hundred points up:

tests to learn Russian as a foreign language. Oral practice. Elementary level. Basic level

Digest of tests “One hundred points up” is a series of tests for those who study Russian as a foreign language. The goal of the manual is to master the everyday life oral speech skills.

The first textbook of the series provides blocks of tests for the elementary and basic levels (A1, A2).

The assignments of each block have a certain plot on which bases the hypothetic behavior of a foreigner in the language environment of the native speakers is simulated.

The test assignments are based on the authentic texts describing the history of the country, as well as different facts and events from life of the Russian people. The assignments may be of use for various types of tests (current, final and initial testing).

The textbook can be used for both the classroom and independent studies. The assignments are supplied with the commentaries and the keys.

Materials for listening are accessible via on-line audition or can be downloaded through QR-code.

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100 ochkov vperjod: Testy po russkomu jazyku kak inostrannomu: povsednevnoe obschenie/A1-A2

  • Κωδικός Προϊόντος: avrora 6175
  • ISBN: 9785883376435
  • 22,50€
  • 17,50€